Rat's Lair: Journal


Feeling goofy today.


Lately I've been feeling faint, dizzy and exhausted. It's like my legs can't support my body and I'm nearly falling over when I walk. It could be that I'm undereating or it's caffeine withdrawal. Probably both.


I'll make sure to update the journal more.

I'm really tired today, I'll probably skip dinner. Not hungry anyway.

Is it normal to get different results every time I take the MBTI tests? I'm somehow an INTP, ISTJ and INTJ at the same time. That's the thing: it's made so results will be accurate for literally anyone. It's stupid.

I've started watching Soul Eater. There's a crippling amount of fanservice but I've heard it gets really good.

Pros of Soul Eater:

  • Death the Kid (I love him)
  • Excellent animation
  • The world


  • Fanservice

Okay, yeah I'll continue with it.


I've been attempting to get into more bands, but keep struggling to find anything good.


I've been into screamo lately


I was outed as trans yesterday. It wasn't nice to say the least.


I've started writing a fanfic called "God of the New World", it's a BSD and Death Note crossover/au fic where Fyodor's ability is actually non-existent, he's just the owner of a Death Note, and like Light he takes it upon himself to remove sin from the world


I've been researching religion, mainly Christianity, for about a month now. I'm still an atheist, but I find it interesting.


I keep on forgetting to eat


Found an Evangelion shirt today, didn't get it though because it was tie dye. I hate tie dye


I've been listening to The Cure a lot lately, especially Just Like Heaven, even though it's not my favourite by them.


I got the fourth volume of BSD today.


I'm an athiest and probably always will be, but I find religion very interesting.


I managed to get a brand-new jigsaw from the charity shop for only £3.


"I've been waiting for a guide to come and take me by the hand

Could these sensations make me feel the pleasures of a normal man?"

These lyrics have been stuck in my head all day.


Well, well, look who's inside again, went out to look for a reason to hide again


Today I got some more manga, BSD volume 3 and MP100 volume 9. I also got a Koro sensei keychain.